The Incredible Wild Alaskan Halibut, Steak Of The Sea
Wild Alaskan Halibut are one of the largest flatfish in the Pacific Ocean. Flatfish have a flat body type and swim sideways, with both eyes on the top side of their body. They mostly dwell on the bottom of the ocean. Interestingly, when they first hatch they swim upright like most fish, with one eye on each side of their head.
When they reach about five weeks in age, one eye actually moves to the other side of their head to join the other eye and they begin to swim sideways. As young halibut continue to grow larger, their bodies flatten out to reach their characteristic shape and the top side changes color to camouflage with the ocean floor.
Also Read: Our New Seafood Straight From The Pristine Coast Of Alaska

Halibut Are Giants Of The Pacific
Pacific Halibut can live for around 30 years and reach massive physical size. The males tend to be much smaller, reaching about 60 pounds in weight on average, and rarely reach 100 pounds. Females can reach and even exceed 600 pounds. Our team member Lucia caught one that was more than 100 pounds while on essential business in Alaska! There are some halibut known as the “barn door” variety that are up to 8 feet long and 5 feet wide.
They are predatory fish and will eat almost anything they come across in the ocean. There is a calcified deposit known as the “ear bone” on the top of their heads that can be used to measure their age the same way you would use the rings of a tree.
Line Caught By Fishermen We Know By Name
These huge fish are known for putting up a fight when they’re caught out of the ocean. Our halibut, along with our other seafood selections, are flash frozen straight out of the ocean on the fishing boats. This way, the fish are preserved at the peak of freshness, making this seafood even better than fresh seafood.
Just like the salmon, we personally know the fishermen who catch these halibut. We’ve seen everything about their practices from the way they catch the fish to the way they process the fish and the way their boats are kept. We feel so lucky to have connections that allow us to have relationships with the Alaskan fishermen who provide these premium seafood selections for us.
Also Read: Our New Offerings: Pristine Wild Caught Alaskan Salmon

Halibut Is One Of The Most Sought After Fish For Eating
Halibut have a highly desirable white, firm and flaky flesh and are considered one of the most delicious fish to eat. In Alaska, halibut are known as the steak of the sea and are a highly sought after species of fish. They have a mild, light and sweet flavor that pairs well with an amazing variety of preparations. Some say it’s reminiscent of the flavor of crab. The taste is gentle and perfect for people who might not consider themselves lovers of eating fish. Halibut steaks tend to be nice and thick with a meaty, silky yet flaky texture that is satisfying and luxurious.
Halibut steaks are awesome for grilling because they stay together thanks to their firm texture. These succulent fillets are also great pan seared, baked, in tacos, or almost anything else you can think of. Their mild flavor and meaty flesh is ideal for absorbing seasonings and flavorings, so the options are truly endless. It should be cooked to a low internal temperature for optimal flavor and texture - about the same as you would cook a rare beef or bison steak. There’s so many amazing marinades and accompaniments that can be paired with halibut that it’s easy to create tons of variety with this versatile and classy fish.
Also Read: Wild Caught Alaskan Sockeye Salmon: A Gem Of The Ocean

As Always, Our Team Is Here To Support You
At Beck & Bulow, we pride ourselves on our excellent customer service. We’re always here to help if you have any questions regarding your meat, want help making selections, or are just looking for some cooking tips. Every time you call our office, you’ll be directly connected with one of our team members right here in Santa Fe, New Mexico where we’re based.
Every cut of meat is pressure sealed and flash frozen immediately after butchering at the peak of freshness. We work exclusively with master butchers who make every cut with care and precision. All orders are hand packed at our Santa Fe warehouse, shipped in a reusable cooler with dry ice and delivered straight to your doorstep. Check out our selections of humanely raised chicken, elk, bison, beef, lamb, wild boar and seafood.