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Free Range Bison / bison ground recipe

Poutine Recipe With Kentucky Bourbon & Pasture Raised Bison

Poutine Recipe With Kentucky Bourbon & Pasture Raised Bison

I’ve never even been to Canada, and I’ve still heard all about how amazing poutine is. For those of us in the States, the only real option is to make it - although I have heard that Trader Joe’s now offers poutine in the freezer section.
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Recipe: New Mexican Chili Con Carne With Ground Bison

Recipe: New Mexican Chili Con Carne With Ground Bison

Chili con carne is one of those dishes that is perfect for every occasion, and equally delicious in the hot summer as it is in the cold winter. If you’re able to locate New Mexican red chile powder, this will really enhance the flavor of this recipe. But if it’s not available in your area, don’t worry! You can substitute a different chili powder and it’ll still turn out great.

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