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Free Range Bison / bison stew recipe

Paleo Crock Pot Bison Superfood Stew With Primal Blend

Paleo Crock Pot Bison Superfood Stew With Primal Blend

If you like the idea of eating like our ancestors from way back when, paleo might be for you. Personally, I don’t adhere to any particular diet at this time although I’ve tried out quite a few in the past. I do really love eating paleo meals and always find myself feeling great afterwards. It’s easy to see why so many people love eating this way as a lifestyle. Whether you always eat paleo or just want to eat some delicious stew (which is often already a paleo meal, by nature) this recipe will be sure to satisfy.

Also Read: Slow Braised Bison Brisket For A Warm & Cozy Evening

Paleo Crock Pot Bison Superfood Stew With Primal Blend - Beck & Bulow

When I made this stew, I added one other ingredient that is not technically paleo, but has amazing health benefits and tastes great: apple cider vinegar. I like to add a healthy glug of this stuff to pretty much any soup, stew or broth I’m making. To get health benefits, it needs to be the kind with the mother (it will specify on the label).

The Bison Primal Blend provides an extra boost of nutrients. Our ancestors prized organ meat for its incredible health boosting properties. In traditional cultures worldwide, it’s been valued above all other parts of the animal and often reserved for leaders and pregnant women. Many of us nowadays don’t find organ meat to be particularly palatable. Our Primal Blends are specifically formulated to address this issue by blending the ideal percentage of organ meat into our best selling ground bison. It allows you to receive all of the health benefits of consuming organs without sacrificing any taste.

Also Read: Winter Holiday Bison Tenderloin Roast With Red Wine Sauce

If You Like Beef, You’re Going To Love Bison

If you’ve never eaten bison before, you’re probably curious what it tastes like. The simple answer is that if you like the flavor of beef, you’re going to absolutely love bison. It’s very similar, but with a slightly sweeter taste. It’s naturally leaner and more tender. It has no “gamey” flavor whatsoever.

The key to preparing delicious bison is not to overcook it. It always needs to be cooked less than you would typically cook the same cut of beef. When cooked too much, bison will become tough - we always recommend cooking to medium rare for the ultimate flavor and texture. From premium steaks to fajita meat to burgers, any dish you’re used to cooking with beef will be amazing when prepared with bison.

Free Range Bison, Raised The Way Nature Intended

Our bison live free range on 20,000 beautiful acres here in New Mexico, or roam freely on our carefully selected partner ranches. They are pasture raised and never administered any amount of hormones, steroids or antibiotics. These are powerful, strong animals that live essentially wild with minimal handling. There were once 60 million bison roaming North America, and we hope to see their numbers increase back to even 1 million during our lifetime. By increasing the demand for ethically sourced bison meat, we can help to bolster their population. The more people that want to purchase this nourishing and nutrient dense meat, the more farmers will be encouraged to raise bison. This directly helps to increase the number of herds which assists in providing genetic diversity for the population.


Also Read: Secret Superfood Meatloaf with Lamb & Bison Primal Blend


  • 1 pound Bison Primal Blend
  • 5 carrots, diced
  • 2 winter turnips, peeled and diced
  • 1 28 oz can organic crushed tomatoes
  • 6 oz double concentrated tomato paste
  • ½ yellow onion, chopped
  • 4 cups bison bone broth
  • 4 large cloves of garlic, minced
  • 2 teaspoons paprika
  • 2 teaspoons thyme
  • 1 teaspoon green chile powder
  • 1 teaspoon oregano
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste


  1. Add all of the ingredients to your Crock Pot. Add a glug of apple cider vinegar if desired. Turn the Crock Pot on high and cook for three hours. Then turn down the heat setting down to low and cook for 1-2 more hours.
  2. Serve and enjoy. Keeps well for several days.

Also Read: Bison Osso Buco With Wild Boar Bacon Parmesan Crust

Our Friendly & Knowledgeable Team Is Here To Support You

At Beck & Bulow, we pride ourselves on our excellent customer service. We’re always here to help if you have any questions regarding your meat, want help making selections, or are just looking for some cooking tips. Every time you call our office, you’ll be directly connected with one of our team members right here in Santa Fe, New Mexico where we’re based.

Every cut of meat is pressure sealed and flash frozen immediately after butchering at the peak of freshness. We work exclusively with master butchers who make every cut with care and precision. All orders are hand packed at our Santa Fe warehouse, shipped in a reusable cooler with dry ice and delivered straight to your doorstep. Check out our selections of humanely raised chicken, elk, bison, beef, lamb, wild boar and seafood.

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