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Free Range Bison / Bison Sirloin Steak Korean Bibimbap

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Recipe: Korean Bibimbap Bowls With Bison Sirloin Steak

Recipe: Korean Bibimbap Bowls With Bison Sirloin Steak

Lately, I’ve been loving anything with super thin slices of sirloin steak. They cook so quickly and are so tender, it makes meals really easy and delicious. These slices of bison sirloin practically melt in your mouth. The secret to cutting steak into very thin slices is to do it with a sharp knife while the meat is still partially frozen. These bowls have all of the amazing Korean flavors that you’re looking for. Better yet, bibimbap bowls easily stand alone as a complete meal with the perfect combination of rice, vegetables, steak, egg, delicious seasonings, garnishes and gochujang sauce. I love putting kimchi on mine, and if you like it I definitely recommend having some for these bowls. Toasted sesame oil offers an extra layer of flavor but if all you have is untoasted sesame oil, it’ll work just fine.

Also Read: Recipe: Mini Meatloaves With Ground Bison & Wild Boar

Recipe Korean Bibimbap Bowls With Bison Sirloin Steak - Beck & Bulow

Free Range Bison Raised On Our Beautiful Ranch

Our bison live free range on 10,000 beautiful acres here in New Mexico, or roam freely on our carefully selected partner ranches. They are pasture raised and never administered any amount of hormones, steroids or antibiotics. These are powerful, strong animals that live essentially wild with minimal handling. There were once 60 million bison roaming North America, and we hope to see their numbers increase back to even 1 million during our lifetime. By increasing the demand for ethically sourced bison meat, we can help to bolster their population. The more people that want to purchase this nourishing and nutrient dense meat, the more farmers will be encouraged to raise bison. This directly helps to increase the number of herds which assists in providing genetic diversity for the population.

Also Read: Top Sirloin Steak Bites With Rosemary Garlic Butter


For the meat:

  • 1lb bison top sirloin steak, sliced super thin
  • 2 tablespoons rice vinegar
  • ¼ cup toasted sesame oil
  • 2 tablespoons coconut aminos
  • 2 teaspoons coconut sugar
Recipe Korean Bibimbap Bowls With Bison Sirloin Steak - Beck & Bulow

For the bowls:

  • 1 cup rice
  • 2 cups water
  • Sea salt to taste
  • 3 tablespoons toasted sesame oil, divided
  • 1 cup zucchini, sliced
  • 1 cup mushrooms, sliced
  • 1 cup shredded carrots
  • 1 cup mung bean sprouts (or whatever fresh sprouts you can find)
  • 2 green onions, sliced thin
  • 2 large cloves of garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons coconut aminos, divided
  • 2 tablespoons mirin
  • 4 eggs
  • Avocado oil for cooking
  • Gochujang sauce (store bought)
  • Kimchi & sesame seeds for serving

Also Read: Shredded Slow Cooked Bison Roast For Meal Prepping

Recipe Korean Bibimbap Bowls With Bison Sirloin Steak - Beck & Bulow


  1. Cook the rice in a rice cooker, Instant Pot or on the stovetop. When it’s finished cooking, set aside/keep warm.
  2. While the rice is cooking, heat a large cast iron skillet over medium heat. Add the mushrooms and cook for a couple minutes in the dry skillet to allow some of the moisture to evaporate. If you like, you can cook the vegetables in batches so that you can arrange them in separate piles on top of the bowls, or cook them all together for convenience. Add avocado oil to the pan. When the oil is hot, add in the vegetables and minced garlic. Season with sea salt and cook until the vegetables are a light golden brown, adding more oil as necessary. Set the cooked vegetables aside and cover to keep warm.
  3. Add a little more oil to the skillet if necessary. Cook the eggs as desired (sunny side up is the classic way for bibimbap). Set the cooked eggs aside.
  4. Add more oil to the pan if necessary and cook the thinly sliced sirloin steak. Take care not to overcook as it cooks very quickly. Set aside.
  5. Assemble the bowls. Portion the rice, then add steak slices, vegetables and an egg on top of each bowl. Garnish with gochujang sauce, sesame seeds, chopped green onions and kimchi as desired. Serve immediately and enjoy!

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The Beck & Bulow Team Is Here To Help

At Beck & Bulow, we pride ourselves on our excellent customer service. We’re always here to help if you have any questions regarding your meat, want help making selections, or are just looking for some cooking tips. Every time you call our office, you’ll be directly connected with one of our team members right here in Santa Fe, New Mexico where we’re based.

Every cut of meat is pressure sealed and flash frozen immediately after butchering at the peak of freshness. We work exclusively with master butchers who make every cut with care and precision. All orders are hand packed at our Santa Fe warehouse, shipped in a reusable cooler with dry ice and delivered straight to your doorstep. Check out our selections of humanely raised chicken, elk, bison, beef, lamb, wild boar, pork and seafood.

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